Tour France’s National Air and Space Museum from your home

Although it is closed to in-person visitors, you can still check out the Air and Space Museum’s collections through its online activities and resources.

On the social networks

Follow the museum on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube, using the hashtag #ChallengeAirEspace, and:

  • Beat your family members at the online quizzes: show just how much you know about the Concorde, the space race, etc.
  • Find things to do: games (origami, etc.), and check out the wide range of films, online tours, and informational air and space-related videos on the museum’s Youtube channel,
  • Check out the incredible ballooning, aeronautics, and space image collection that is available through the museum’s online media library,
  • Immerse yourself in the 360° panoramic views of exhibition halls and cockpits.

Enjoy your virtual tour!