How do I apply for my
retirement pension?

Pensions are not awarded automatically: This means you will need to submit an application.

This illustrated guide will help you through the application process.

1Your application to claim your pension
(either in full or through alternating work-pension program)

It must:

  • Be received by CRPN by the last day of the month prior to the effective date you have selected for your pension
  • Be submitted either through your personal online account on, or alternatively, be written and signed by you and submitted by post or email
  • Indicate your last name, first name, date of birth, mailing address, and email address (these fields are prefilled in the online application through your personal account)
  • Specify the effective date you have selected for your pension.
  • In reply, CRPN will send you a pension application.


2The full application to be submitted

Your career history statement, you will need to:

  • Check it carefully once you have logged in to your online personal account
  • Apply for any buybacks, corrections, or free credits
  • Download, date, sign, and send it back once you are in agreement with the periods taken into account
  • In case of periods of alternate time or alternate parental leave validated free of charge, print and complete the sworn statement linked to the career record.
  • No changes will be able to be made to your career once you have claimed your entitlements.

Your pension application, you will need to:

  • Fill out and sign the form
  • Request the documents on the list (these include a full copy of birth certificate with any annotations, which you can get from the city hall of the town where you were born)
  • Send the form regarding your retirement and your most recent wages to your last air crew employer.

3Returning your pension application

You will need to return the following to CRPN:

  • Your career history statement (“relevé de carrière”), dated and signed
  • A complete pension application, which you can choose to return either all at once or as you receive the documents
  • You have a one-year deadline from your chosen pension effective date to complete your application. If you have been officially recognized as permanently unfit for work, this period is extended to 2 years from the triggering event for your entitlement.

4Your application goes
before the pension board

Once the board has approved your application, you will receive:

  • Your first pension payment by bank transfer
  • A certificate for the French unemployment agency “Pôle Emploi”, if you have requested one.

You will find in your personal account:

  • Your certificate of pension entitlements (“titre de pension”)
  • A letter of acknowledgement of your claim.

Feel free to call our Careers and Benefits department (“Service Carrières et Prestations”) at the numbers below:

Case managers:
01 41 92 25 25 - 01 41 92 25 36

From 9 am to 12 pm, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

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14 rue des Pyramides, CS 60322, 75041 Paris Cedex 01 — 01 41 92 25 25 — Tous droits réservés © CRPN - 2022