Check your alternating work-retirement schedule when you log in to your personal account

Drawing your pension through the Alternating Work-Retirement program? A new service is available when you log in to your personal account.

Under the alternating Work-Retirement program, your pension is paid to you according to an annual schedule which your employer submits to CRPN (number of months or monthly number of days off work over a 12-month period from January 1st to December 31st of each year).

As soon as it is sent, your schedule for the year becomes available when you log in to your personal account and go to the “Alternating work-retirement scheduling” section. You will also be able to view a provisional pension payment for the current calendar year.

If any changes are made to your schedule over the course of the year, your calendar will be updated accordingly.

Alternating Work-Retirement Program scheduling

For each year of enrolment in the alternating work-retirement program, you can view your scheduled number of days off work as related to payment of your CRPN pension (Please refer to our example which shows 30 days off work/month).

Please speak to your employer if you have any questions about your schedule.

Provisional pension payment schedule for the current year

Pensions are paid monthly in arrears, between the 1st and the 10th of the following month (except for your December payment, which is made at the end of December).