Resuming work post-retirement

You are a pensioner and consider resuming work post-retirement.

Resuming work post retirement

Pension eligibility requirements are set forth as follows by article R6527-49 of the French transport code: “A pension is only payable if the member has ceased all air or cabin crew duties, with or without registration on the special registers, in any of the following categories: acceptance testing, air transportation, or aerial work, whether in France or abroad.”

Please be aware that the DGAC’s special registers were eliminated in 2020.

If the member resumes air crew employment post-retirement, whether in France or abroad, their pension will be suspended for the duration of their post-retirement employment.

  • If employment is resumed for less than 22 days, payment of the member’s pension will be suspended for the number of days of resumed employment multiplied by 30/22, rounded up to the nearest full day. This means that if employment is resumed for 2 days, pension payment will be suspended for 3 days (2 x 30/22).
  • If employment is resumed for 22 to 30 days, payment of the member’s pension will be suspended for 30 days.
  • If employment is resumed for more than 30 days, payment of the member’s pension will be suspended for the exact duration of the member’s post-retirement employment.

You will need to notify CRPN in writing of any resumption of post-retirement air crew employment before your actual start date, to avoid any undue pension payments. Every year, CRPN is forced to bring legal action against members who draw air crew wages on top of their CRPN pension.

If a deceased member had resumed employment, engendering undue pension payments, CRPN will bill the member’s beneficiaries for reimbursement.


Employment-retirement accumulation

If an air crew member has claimed their basic (e.g. CNAV) retirement pension effective on or after January 1st, 2015, any employment as an air crew member performed post-retirement will not generate any further pension entitlements.”

If you do not qualify for this program (either you have not claimed your entitlements under a basic scheme, or you claimed your entitlements under a basic scheme prior to January 1st, 2015), any contributions paid during your period of resumed employment will be taken into account toward your entitlements as from January 1st of the following year. Your pension will continue to be calculated according to the rules that applied to your original claim (IVSC (Corrected wage variation index, uprated according the upward adjustment rate for pensions, valuation rate for the years you have accrued beyond 25, early-claim, decrease, or rate reduction factor, and number of “a” days as set forth by article R6527-40 of the French transport code).

To learn more, please refer to our guide on resuming work post-retirement.