Provident fund coverage

A member’s death in an air accident while on duty, as well as permanent unfitness for work with attributability, entitle beneficiaries to lump-sum compensation.

CRPN’s provident fund covers members for death while on duty in an air accident or with attributability to air crew duties, and for permanent unfitness for work with attributability to air crew duties. Provident benefits are awarded under articles L6526-5, L6526-6 and R6526-3 through R6526-8 of the French transportation code. They are payable in the event:

  • Of death in an air accident while on duty or with attributability to air crew duties,
  • Of permanent unfitness for work (resulting in termination of all CRPN employment) with attributability to air crew duties.



If a member dies, their beneficiaries are those stipulated under articles R6526-3 through R6526-6 and R6526-8 of the French transportation code:

  • The member’s spouse from which they were neither legally separated nor divorced;
  • or the common-law partner, or the partner linked to the deceased by a Civil Solidarity Pact (PACS);
  • Qualifying dependent children;
  • The member’s qualifying ascendants.

This cannot be modified.
In the event of permanent unfitness for work with attributability to air crew duties, the beneficiary is the member themselves.
N.B: if a lump-sum payment is awarded to the member’s ascendants, it will be calculated on the basis of France’s yearly Social security ceiling.


The basic compensation amounts to 3 years of wages (amounts range from 3 times to 12 times France’s yearly social security ceiling.) This basic compensation is topped up by one time the value of France’s yearly social security ceiling for each dependent child. The lump-sum compensation award amounts to:

100% of the basic compensation:

  • In the event of death resulting from an air accident that occurred while on duty, or from an illness recognized as attributable to air crew duties,
  • In the event of permanent unfitness for work with attributability to air crew duties and total permanent disability recognized by France’s social security system.

50% of the basic compensation:

  • In the event of permanent unfitness for work with attributability to air crew duties but without a social security disability severity rating (or with a disability severity rating of less than 50%):

The basic compensation, to which the social security disability severity rating percentage has been applied:

  • In the event of permanent unfitness for work with attributability to air crew duties and a social security disability severity rating above 50%.

When permanent unfitness for work is recognized after age 50, compensation is reduced by 1% for each month of the member’s age past their 50th birthday. However, the lump-sum compensation award cannot amount to less than 20% of the basic compensation.

N.B.: we will need to receive the air crew member’s last 48 pay slips in order to be able to calculate this compensation.


Your application for attributability will need to include your flight logs (“carnets de vol”) or your air crew member activity sheets (“feuilles d’activité de personnel navigant”) as well as your certificates of medical fitness (“certificats d’aptitude médicale”) over a minimum 10-year period. These are required in order to draw up your career history, which will be requested by the medical examiner’s board (“conseil médical”) if you submit an application for attributability of permanent unfitness for work to air crew duties.

Make sure to keep these documents.

The medical examiner’s board (“conseil médical”) cannot process applications for which it has not received a detailed career history.