About CRPN membership

I am a professional air crew member. How and in what capacity do I join CRPN?

CRPN membership is compulsory for all salaried professional air crew members in civil aviation, employed in this capacity on an ongoing basis as their main occupation and assigned to a base in France.

To join CRPN, you need an employment contract as a professional air crew member in civil aviation.

An employee automatically becomes a member when their employer submits a pre-hiring declaration (“declaration préalable à l’embauche”/ DPAE) to CRPN. The DPAE is required paperwork: please take careful note of the paragraph below about the DPAE.

Voluntary membership is also an option for any air crew member working for a non-French employer outside France.

The pre-hiring declaration (“Déclaration préalable à l’embauche”)

Your employer is required to submit a pre-hiring declaration (“Déclaration préalable à l’embauche”/ DPAE) to Urssaf. Your DPAE must also be submitted to CRPN. This additional paperwork, which must be completed prior to hiring any professional air crew member in civil aviation, is compulsory before you can fly. This declaration is your employer’s responsibility and can be submitted through our website, by mail, or by fax.

Before your first flight, check that your employer has submitted your DPAE to CRPN. If your employer fails to do so, you can submit your declaration yourself, in writing only, by filling out and sending us the Pre-hiring declaration (La déclaration préalable à l’embauche) form.

If no DPAE is submitted, no benefits can be awarded, including in the event of death on duty in an air accident.

The French civil aviation authority (DGAC)

The DGAC PN registers have been deleted. For more information, you can contact the DGAC.


Direction de la Sécurité de l’Aviation Civile (DSAC)
Direction Personnels Navigants et Pôle Licences
50, rue Henri Farman
75720 Paris cedex 15

Tel : 01 58 09 41 98

Salaried air crew employment outside France for a non-french employer

There are two ways for a salaried air crew member working for a non-French employer outside France to join CRPN:

  • The employer agrees to register their air crew for CRPN membership: the air crew member joins CRPN under the same rules as those with an employer in France.
  • The employer does not agree to register their air crew for CRPN membership. In this case, the air crew member can opt for voluntary membership.