Validation of periods not worked compensated in 2021

The 2021 and earlier periods not worked, compensated under the termination of an employment contract of air crew member and having given rise to contribution to the crpn, have been validated in your careers.

The contribution received from Unedic in 2022 has enabled us to validate the periods which have not given rise to payment of CRPN pension.



You are aged under 50 
  • An additional buyback offerwill be available shortly in your personal account, in the sectionUnemployment: additional buyback”, together with all explanations on the subject.
  • It will enable you to add to this validation, if you wish, to the level of the whole of your last working salary preceding the period not worked.

This “Unemployment: additional buyback” service will be flagged to you by a banner upon opening the dashboard of your personal account and will remain effective until 30/12/2022.

You are aged 50 or over

You are in the process of claiming your pension entitlements

  • On 9 December 2022: an additional buyback analysis will be sent by post.
  • Option of payment until 20 December 2022.

You have already claimed your pension entitlements

  • Your additional buyback analysis will be sent on 17 January 2023.
  • Your payment must reach the CRPN before 27 January 2023. Be aware that this only concerns the periods not worked prior to the effective date of your pension.

You have not claimed or submitted a claim for your pension entitlements

  • You can submit your request for buyback analysis no earlier than 6 months before submitting a total claim for your pension entitlements.



You have been compensated for periods not worked in 2022

For validation at the end of 2023, you must send the CRPN in early 2023 your annual Pôle Emploi “Complementary pension fund attestation mentioning:

  • The name and address of your CRPN complementary pension scheme,
  • The date of termination of the air crew employment contract,
  • The name of your last employer.

If one of the above criteria is missing or erroneous, please ask the Pôle Emploi to correct it and send the duly amended attestation to the CRPN.