have you forgotten your password and want to access your personalised services and documents? recreate your personal account in a few clicks!
Your Social Security number and your email address must be known to the CRPN and registered in its database.
To log in, go to the section My account / Create my account. After entering your personal information, you will receive an email containing an activation code valid for 30 minutes. If you don’t receive it, send the request again.
Create your password and immediately access your personal account.
If your email address is not known to us at the time you create your personal account, just enter it at step 2 during the creation process. After having authenticated you, we will register it and you will then be able to successfully create your personal account.
Using the FranceConnect service, you can log in to My account with one of the following identity provider accounts: ameli.fr, impots.gouv.fr, lidentitenumerique.laposte.fr, trustmeid.io/fr/, msa.fr, yris.eu, france-identite.gouv.fr, and aidantsconnect.beta.gouv.fr.