What happens if a company defaults?

Until the 2020 periods, validation of all employment times and salaries is subject to payment of all contributions due.

When the employer has not paid the contributions in full, all periods of employment (number of days) are credited in full to the member’s career while wages are credited in proportion to their withholdings, whether or not employer and employee contributions were actually paid.

The member can apply for a buyback so that the portion of their salary that was not previously taken into account can be credited to their account (this back payment amounts to the employer’s share calculated on the basis of their total salary).

Pursuant to article R6527-29 of the French transport code, periods of employment are only taken into account if the contributions required under articles D6527-12 through D6527-20 of the French transport code have been paid on the salaries paid to the member.

CRPN Board of Directors decisions No. 98-27 and 98-28 are applicable from March 1, 1999.  As a result, any periods of employment completed after that date on which employee and employer contributions have not been paid in full can only be credited retroactively to the member’s account at the following levels:

  • For the amount of their employee withholdings, whether or not these were actually paid to CRPN, upon submission of the member’s payslips showing employee withholdings, and only if the application to credit a period to the member’s account is submitted within a 3-year period following the period of employment,
  • In full, and at any time, whenever employee’s and employer’s contributions are retroactively paid in full, whether this is by the employer, the court-appointed representative, or by yourself.

No retroactive credits can be awarded on the basis of any periods for which the member’s circumstances with regard to their CRPN membership, the declaration of their employment, or the calculation or payment of their contributions appear to be by choice or due to the member’s knowing acceptance of any illegality.

From 2021, validation is no longer subject to payment of all contributions.