Workplace gender equality index 2021 for 2020 data

CRPN has published its equality index, which gives it a score of 66/100.

France’s law of September 5, 2018 on the Freedom to choose one’s professional future sets a performance obligation for businesses with regard to workplace gender equality.

As a result, in 2021, CRPN has a workplace gender equality index that is calculated on a 100-point basis, using the following 3 indicators:

  • Pay gaps between women and men: 11 points
  • Gaps in the distribution of individual pay raises and promotions: 35 points
  • Gender equality among top management (number of members of the underrepresented gender among the 10 highest-paid employees): 10 points

Indicator of the percentage female employees awarded a pay raise over the year following their return from maternity leave cannot be calculated for 2021.

Workplace gender equality is vital to the development of each individual and to that of the business. CRPN would like to reaffirm its commitment to workplace gender equality and emphasize the need to guarantee equal opportunities and equal treatment for all employees regardless of gender.